•  19/10/2020 05:00 PM
  •   Etwatwa

Why "Black Women" Hate their Skin, Hair, Attire and Culture? An overwhelming majority of South African Schools, Private and Public, they Do Not Allow Black Boys and Girls to have African Hairstyles because of "Neatness" HAH!. Black Girls' Hair is a Central Component to their Identity and Culture, and for Decades these Schools have Robbed them from it. Schools not only make Black People Hate their Hair at an Emotional Level but at an Institutional Level. So today they have being conformed to Other Nation's Cultures. Favor and Beauty is not in Fake Hair or by changing your Skin Color, Wearing Men's Garment and Mini Skirts. It is only by Being Obedient to your Culture and be Virtuous.

  •  10/10/2020 05:00 PM
  •   Etwatwa

Our Inheritance is turned to Strangers, our Land and Houses to Aliens. We have drunken our Water for Money; our wood is Sold unto us. Our necks are under persecution: we Labor and have no rest. Servants are Ruling Over Us. As a point of fact, Black People still Not Truly Free: White people still Control, although they no longer hold exclusive political power, but they continue to retain ruling positions in Industry, Commercial Agriculture, Commerce, and incredibly, in Education: where Blacks are still made to feel unwelcome and still suffer Emotional and Mental Abuse.

  •  03/10/2020 05:00 PM
  •   Etwatwa

It is duly noted in Science that the Black Man is the Earths most diverse creature. He can produce all the known types of Hair, Eyes, Noses, Mouths, Bodies, and even Skin Colors. After all, the Black Man is the Original Human, and from where all other Humans Descend: yet today, are the most contemptuously treated and marginalized people on the Planet.

  •  26/09/2020 05:00 PM
  •   Etwatwa

Contrary to conventional thought, Slavery was NOT only endured by Blacks, all people have at one time or another been enslaved. The irony is that it is Blacks who appear to have created the institution of Slavery. As the creators of civilization, and the builders of the worlds first cities, Blacks logically were the first to have a need for slaves, as a source of free labor.

  •  18/09/2020 05:00 AM
  •   Etwatwa

How did the Hebrews turn White? Of course they didn't really; just in the imaginations, and then the Histories of White People. Who for probably practical reasons, decided that Hebrews, and also the Blacks who Originally Lived in the Country's that they Took Over, Should All Become White for Posterity's sake. Seeing as how it only takes three generations to turn a Black person into a White person (and visa versa). No doubt there came a time when as Europe's formerly bi-racial populations, became more homogeneously White, White people decided that they could no longer acknowledge that all that they knew and had, was derived from the Minds and Labors of Black People - even down to their Religious Beliefs. The logic no doubt being that Whites could not progress to their full potential, if they were always looking up to Blacks, as the personification of Knowledge and Wisdom. So a change had to be made.

  •  12/09/2020 05:00 PM
  •   Etwatwa

One of the most pervasive inventions of modern history on which virtually ALL Electrical/Electronics is Dependent is an invention by Black Inventor; OTIS BOYKIN (1920-1982). Mr. Boykin is the inventor of the RESISTOR, a basic electrical component which can be found used in electrical equipment like Microwave ovens, Clocks, Computers, Radios, TVs. None of these products would be able to work without the use of Otis Boykin's resistor. ALAN EMTAGE (born November 27, 1964) Conceived and Implemented the First Version of "Archie," a pre-Web Internet Search Engine for locating material in public FTP archives. Top 10 Search Engines In The World. Alan Emtage is responsible for these! Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask.com, AOL.com, Baidu, Wolfram alpha, DuckDuckGo, Internet Archive, ChaCha.com,

  •  05/09/2020 09:00 PM
  •   Etwatwa

The Khoisan populated South Africa long before the arrival of the Bantu-speaking nations, and thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans. Archaeological evidence shows that the Bantu-speaking groups that are the Ancestors of the aba-Ngoni Sotho, Shangaan, Venda, Zulu, Xhosa, Swazi and Ndebele migrated down from East Africa as early as the eleventh century. The Khoisan people were the Inhabitants of much of Southern Africa before the southward Bantu expansion, and later European colonization. Both Khoi and San people share physical and linguistic characteristics, and it seems clear that the Khoi branched forth from the San when they adopted the practice of Herding Cattle and Goats from neighboring Bantu speaking groups.