Khoisan imageKhoisan imageKhoisan image

Sometime about 45,000 B.C. The Great Glacial Ice Sheets that covered most of Europe started to Melt and a group, or Groups, of these Khoisan type peoples Walked Across the Gibraltar Straits and entered Europe. This marks the First Time in Human History that Modern Humans have Crossed Over into the formally Frozen Wilderness of Europe. Once in Europe, Grimaldi Man continued his Migrations, and came to eventually Inhabit all of Europe and Northern Asia. The Easternmost limit of his range, appears to have been the settlement known as Mal'ta in Siberia Russia, just north of Mongolia.

The Khoi-San are the World’s Oldest People, in terms of Genetic Purity with the First Humans. They possess a wide variety of Phenotypes: from the Mongol features passed on to their now Albino and Mulatto Children in Asia, to the typical Negroid phenotype. They also Possess a wide range in "Skin Hues", but so far no one has done the work to determine how much of that is due to Admixture with European Invaders. The San Populated South Africa long before the arrival of the Bantu-speaking Nations, and thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans.

So far, the Oldest Example of Early Writing is with Black Europeans, who were likely the Descendants of the Koisan-like Grimaldi Man, who First entered Europe at Gibraltar circa 45,000 B.C. This is not surprising, their Genius is apparent when considered in the context of the Extraordinary Artwork that these People Produced from Very Early Times.

Culturally they are divided into the Hunter Gatherer San people (commonly known as Bushmen) and the Pastoral Khoi. In the Khoisan language, consonants are pronounced with a Clicking Sound. This prompted their Dutch invaders to call them “Hottentots” – a derogatory word meaning "stutterer" or "stammerer" in the language of the Dutch invaders; who, together with British and German settlers, would eventually exterminate them with the Herero and Namaqua Genocides.

Today's San and Khoi people resemble their Ancient Skeletal remains and are believed to be their descendants. The Khoi-khoi were the First native people to come into contact with the Dutch settlers in the mid-17th Century. As the Dutch took over Land for Farms, the Khoi-khoi were Dispossessed, Exterminated, or Enslaved and therefore their numbers dwindled.

The Khoi-San (Bushman, Hottentots) - Is the name for the two original ethnic and the first Pastorals groups of Southern Africa, called themselves Khoi-khoi (or Khoe), which means 'Men of Men' or 'the Real People'. This name was chosen to show Pride in their Past and Culture. From the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic period, a hunting and gathering culture known as the Sangoan occupied this area.

Many Anthropologists, Researchers and Academics, still refuse to acknowledge that Africans were the first Human colonizers of Europe. To hide this fact, they prefer to use the terms Aurignacian and Gravettian cultures; which is fine, it still means Grimaldi.

For more info click here>>> Khoisan/Grimaldi